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Historic Sites in Fiddletown – A Self-Guided TouR

FIDDLETOWN Schoolhouse Memories

A book by Elaine Zorbas

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FIDDLETOWN Schoolhouse Rental Information

Inside the Chew Kee Store slideshow

Books Available at the Chew Kee Store

Banished and Embraced: The Chinese in Fiddletown and the Mother Lode by Elaine Zorbas – Traces the development of the Chinese community in Fiddletown and surroundings with emphasis on the Chew Kee Store and its residents.

Fiddletown From Gold Rush to Rediscovery by Elaine Zorbas – Covers the history of the town from its early glory days onward.

Townsend’s Folding Globe: A World in Letters from Gold Rush California by Dennis Townsend, Educator and Inventor by Elaine Zorbas – Reproduces and discusses letters from Fiddletown and Volcano written by Fiddletown’s first schoolteacher between 1852-1868.

Canton Footsteps: Sacramento’s Chinese Legacy by Philip Choy – A definitive history of the Chinese immigrants who settled in Sacramento – their history, contributions, and prominent families. Many illustrations.


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